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It all began in 2006. The municipal administration of the time promoted the beginning of a dialogue with the city of Cupertino land of the famous friar Joseph with the nickname ” The Saint of flights .”
The opportunity was offered by the unveiling of a bust in the Piazza San Giacomo Cardinal Brancati . A Lauria went to the then Department of Culture of the city of Salento.
Just a few weeks before, a large delegation of citizens of Lauria had gone to Rome to visit the Basilica dei Santi Apostoli which is tied very Cardinal lauriota . Significant was the presence of the diocesan Bishop Francis Nolen , the parish priest Don and Don Francisco Franco Alagia Sirufo . Of importance were also appearances by Vito De Filippo president of the Regional Council and the Euro Gianni Pittella . From that first contact , like an underground river continued ties , which had another significant moment in 2012 when a conference on St. Joseph of Cupertino was invited Bishop Nolen , the parish priest, Father Franco Alagia and any members of Magna Grecia . There was a school twinning that took almost a hundred elementary school students Cardinal Brancati in Cupertino . On that occasion a square of Cupertino was named after the monk lauriota the presence of the mayors of Lauria and Cupertino Mitidieri and Rosafio . The visit was ” returned ” with a similar ceremony that led to the inauguration of a moment in Lauria to the saint of flights ( the two initiatives was attended by Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re ) . Many were children who visited Cupertino Lauria and the valley of Walnut . In the near future it is expected further development of twinning . A “sign” of the link between the two cities will be located in the courtyard of Palazzo Marangoni .


L’inaugurazione del monumento di San Giuseppe da Copertino a Lauria

Prima parte – la partenza


Seconda parte – le interviste ad Enzo Alagia e Franca Iannuzzi


Terza parte – l’arrivo a Lecce


Quarta parte – l’arrivo a Copertino


Quinta parte – le interviste a Ornella Castellano e Renato Mazzotta


Sesta parte – la manifestazione nella scuola “Giovanni Falcone”


Settima parte – l’incontro ufficiale in Municipio


Ottava parte – l’intitolazione della piazza


Nona parte – le interviste a Padre Ermes Torres e a don Franco Alagia


Decima parte – la Santa Messa officiata dal Cardinale Re e da padre Giuseppe Rolli


Undicesima parte – il finale della celebrazione con il Coro polifonico Perfetta Letizia