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Probably the wooden choir inside the church of St. James, recently restored, is a work of art in assolulto most valuable Lauria can boast. Its origin is linked to the history of the Carthusian Monastery of San Severino Lucano Sagittarius suppressed the early nineteenth century and abandoned. The choir is divided into two orders , the first of benches with backs carved in the instruments of labor , prayer and meditation in San Bruno , the second order is characterized by armrests with grotesque figures which are detected by separating elements that are carved animals and monks. The backs are carved in low baskets , scrolls and angel heads while others graced the holy Carthusian St. Benedict, Pope Eugene II , John the Baptist , Bernardo Roberto Abate then Jesus, the apostles and the Immaculate . On a seat there is a clamshell cover . In the central part of the cartouche there are sculptured various dates of construction of the choir, called the most beautiful of Basilicata. The oldest is that of 1554 they belong to the best parts of the choir and then in 1679 and 1689.

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