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In 2013 , tourists surveyed in 749 accommodation facilities available to our region have been over 532mila , 15 thousand more than in the previous year, the highest number ever before. In percentage terms this is 2.5 % more than that determined approximately 1 million and 950 thousand overnight stays ( +3.6 %). And ‘ since 2007 that arrivals in Basilicata are progressive and steady increase from 448 546 to 532 666 : over 84 thousand more tourists in 6 years ( +18 %). An important fact which shows a growth of awareness and a greater ability of Basilicata tourist attraction and imposing continuity of commitment to the promotion so that they reach levels even more satisfying. In the economic analysis , the greater importance are the days of permanence and therefore the number of tourists : the longer the stay , the more you spend. The crisis of recent years has produced on a national scale less spending power of Italian families that is causing a cut even in tourist consumption . They are in fact less and less vacation or holiday , however shorter and cheaper . According to Eurostat, the decline in attendance in Italy in 2013 by more than 4 %, while , as we have already pointed out , Basilicata increases by more than three points recovering much of the decline in the previous year , returning close to the maximum values ​​ever achieved. Contributes to this positive trend the influx of a large number of foreign tourists increased from 60 559 to 70 550 ( 16.4% ), generating more than 172 thousand nights ( +16.2 %). A truly remarkable given that significantly increases the weight of foreign tourism in Basilicata ( 13.1% of arrivals, 8.8% of admissions ) . At the same time it is also a positive sign of the influx of Italians (+1 % in arrivals and 2.5% of admissions ) . At a regional increase in the attendance rate in the first Vulture -Alto Bradano in Matera, in the Marmo Platano Melandro in the city of Potenza, in Metaponto , a substantial seal is recorded in Maratea and more generally in Lagonegrese – Pollino ( in absolute values it is less than 5 thousand nights in an area which still receives more than 290 thousand presences ), while retreat , the hills and mountains of Matera , whose relative weight is not comparable to other regional areas (with only 1,099 beds), the ‘ Greater Potenza and the Val d’Agri cullatasi too – in recent years – on the presence guaranteed the extractive industry, this finally a question attenzionata by local operators who show early signs of recovery in the shares of promotional marketing , long neglected in ‘ area . More generally, analyzing the data in regional tourism last five years (much more significant than the economic fluctuations ) attention is captured not only by the impetuous growth of attractiveness or by the positive results of Matera and Maratea Metaponto or those less showy of Marmo Platano Melandro ( even more significant because they concern an inner area ), but the ability of the estate, in most of the territory , the tourism system , despite the serious economic crisis of recent years . A seal at all obvious in a time when all other economic activities and retreat heavily. Another encouraging sign is the net increase of tourism enterprises (+6.2% ) and the strengthening of the offer that you can count on 39 thousand beds, a clear signal of confidence in the prospects of the industry. In addition, ” in order to assess the role of tourism in a region – remember the prof. Emilio Becheri – are not sufficient absolute data on arrivals and presences , it is necessary to relativize these values ​​to the size of the region and the people present. ” An obvious criterion for comparing the big with the small without falling into meaningless tautology : then calculating the number of tourists every thousand inhabitants the same Becheri compiles a ranking among the regions , on 2011 data , in many ways surprising performance Basilicata are in fact the best of Campania , Apulia, Lombardy , Sicily and Molise. These comparative data are intended to confirm or even to improve in 2013. In fact, the phenomenon of tourism is much more extensive than the recorded statistics. In fact, many spend at least one night in our accommodation should be added all those who rent vacation homes ( vistosissimo phenomenon in beach destinations like Maratea and the Ionian Coast ) or that are hosted by friends and relatives (especially in inland areas ) , the size of which is estimated to bring at least double the number of admissions , providing a framework of well- articulated and widespread growth . And ‘ this set, further enhanced by those who hold less than 24 hours in our area ( hiking tourism ) , which determines the tourism spending that benefits many economic activities (from transport to accommodation and catering services , from travel agents to guides tourist , from arts and entertainment to companies operating in the field of sports and entertainment , museums and cultural services generally to the bathing establishments and so on) . Tourism therefore generates widespread repercussions feeding a large number of businesses and jobs . In Basilicata are over 5,300 businesses in the area referred to in sub only ” services, accommodation and catering ,” no fewer than 3,800 local units (an increase of 10% over the last five years) with more than 10 thousand employees, equal to 7.3% of the regional total , a figure indicative in order to exploit the growing contribution that tourism makes to regional GDP. Obviously not all of Basilicata has an endowment of facilities and services consistent with the needs of the tourism market , tourism can not be – anywhere and everywhere – the only or the main resource. There are areas in which they can express themselves and speak with as much force other vocations . Certainly , however, for some areas tourism is confirmed as a real opportunity to respond significantly to the demand for employment and development . Tourism Lucan , in fact , with its positive trend in the medium – long term and the good results last year , is emerging as a vital sector , capable of good performance with dynamic really positive and hopeful despite the many limitations of the infrastructure first character . Tourism is thus confirmed as a great opportunity for Basilicata and though much work remains to be done is also an indisputable fact that much progress has been made thanks to the protagonist business and more and more intense collaboration between public and private entities ( Tourist Consortia , GAL , cultural associations , local authorities, Superintendents , Lucania Film Commission , Matera 2019, the World Commission of Lucania , Basilicata Region and APT) . A solid foundation to look with confidence to the development of Basilicata Tourism .
Gianpiero Perri

